When is the Jockey Club open?
  • Friday 10:00 am to approximately 4:30 pm, or immediately following the last race*.
  • Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, 10:00 am to approximately 10:30 pm, or immediately following the last race*.
  • The Jockey Club is open on most holidays; please check the schedule for hours.
  • General Admission: $10 per person
  • CHRB Licensee: Free per person

We don’t take credit cards as a form of payment in the Jockey Club,  only cash for admission and programs.

No complimentary in/out privileges provided. Once you exit the Jockey Club, you will have to pay for re-entry.

Limited Mutuel Clerks will be available for in-person betting service.

Betting machines will be available inside the Facility.

No smoking is allowed indoors; designated smoking areas are outdoors on the patio, twenty feet from any entrance.

No outside food or beverage allowed. You may be requested to have your bag checked on entry.

A great selection of indoor and outdoor dining options are available at the San Mateo Jockey Club.  Menus are updated regularly.

Subject to change